Import and export data

RQuery file is created by STHDA team.

What is RQuery?

RQuery has been created for beginners in R. It can also be useful to an advanced programmer in R.
This file contains a set of R functions to simplify your life in R programming

<h2 class="formatter-title wiki-paragraph-2" id="paragraph-file-formats-for-rquery">File formats for RQuery</h2>

Download an example of file format for RQuery: decathlon.txt

Files must be absolutely in *. txt tabulation

The decimal separator must be a dot and not a comma, for example (2.5). Please replace the commas with dots in your file.

No duplicates in row names and column names.

To avoid error :
<ul class="bb_ul">
<li class="bb_li"> Avoid column names beginning with a digit. Ex: use C1 instead of 1C
</li><li class="bb_li"> Avoid accented characters and spaces in row names and column names. Replace spaces with an 'underscore'. Ex: use 'voiture_renault' instead of 'Voiture renault'.

In general, the rows correspond to individuals or samples and the columns correspond to variables or parameters describing individuals (Ex: hair_colors, eye_colors).

If you still have problems to use RQuery please contact me at email address :

<h2 class="formatter-title wiki-paragraph-2" id="paragraph-importing-and-exporting-data">Importing and Exporting Data</h2>

<h3 class="formatter-title wiki-paragraph-3" id="paragraph-import-data-from-a-txt-tabulation-file-format">Import data from a *. txt tabulation file format </h3>

Use the following R code :

Code R :

A GUI will appear asking you to indicate the file path to import.

The data are shown directly in R console.

To store the data in an R object, use :

Code R :

To ensure that your data is stored in mydata, just type in the R console the name of your variable.

Code R :

<h3 class="formatter-title wiki-paragraph-3" id="paragraph-export-data-in-a-txt-tabulation-file-format">Export data in a *. txt tabulation file format</h3>

The function is called rquery.write_file.
mydata = the name of your variable to be exported. = the filename to save your dataset.

Code R :

The file will be created in your working directory. To know your working directory, use the command getwd()

Code R :

The file is opened automatically by R after saving the file.

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