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Loading data in R from internet

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Importing a *. txt file from the Internet

Import decathlon.txt file from STHDA web site: :

Code R :
                       header=T, row.names=1, sep="\t") #Importation des données
print(data) # Print the data

Load .rdata file from internet

To do this, you must first create a connection using the R url function. You can then load the connexion.

Code R :
con<-url('') # Create connexion
load(con) #Load the data
close(con) #close connexion
print(d) # Print the data

Download file from internet using R

To download a file from the Internet with R, we can use the function : download.file :

Code R :
                         destfile ="decathlon.rdata")

The file will be downloaded and saved in the current directory with the name decathlon.rdata