Articles - R

fgui: Generating automatically a GUI (graphical user interface) with R software

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fgui is an R package to automatically generate a graphical interface for function arguments.
You just have to create your function and pass it to fgui. The interface will be automatically created by fgui library!

install fgui package

Code R :

xamples of using fgui

Quick example: create a GUI for a function that adds or multiplies two numbers x and y

Code R :
#1-Loading the package
#2- add or multiplie (if multiplie =TRUE) two numbers and return the value
add <- function(x,  y, multiply) {
 if(multiply) return(x*y)  else return(x + y)
# Executing the function with a GUI
y <- gui(add,argOption=list(multiply=c("TRUE","FALSE")))

The generated image is as follows:

The codes in this tutorial have been tested and validated on MAC OSX /R.2.13 and R.2.15.1

Source :