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Build a Website with Pkgdown

1021 | No comment | R , pkgdown No note
This guide describes how to build a website for your R package using pkgdown.


1) Prerequisites to create an R package using devtools

2) Use pkgdown:build_site() to create a bare-bones website

3)... [Read more]

Lesser known dplyr tricks

973 | No comment | dplyr , R programming No note
- Removing unneeded columns
- Re-ordering columns
- Renaming columns with rename()
- Selecting columns with a regexp
- Create new columns with mutate() and if_else()
- Apply a function to certain columns only,... [Read more]

R Markdown for the Enterprise

901 | No comment | R Markdown No note
R Markdown for the Enterprise This blog post shows how helpful can be R Markdown for the enterprise needs. R Markdown combines the creation and sharing steps.

Three requests can be satisfied using the following features of R Markdown:

1) Break out the... [Read more]

Tidyverse Website

960 | No comment | tidyverse No note
Tidyverse Website tidyverse.org is the place to go to learn the tidyverse and to keep up to date with it as it evolves.