r2excel: Read, write and format easily Excel files using R software

Many solutions to read and write Excel files using R software

Read and write excel file using R, r2excel package

Excel files are used by many people to save and analyze their data. There are many R packages and solutions to import data from Excel to R and to export data from R to Excel:

  • ODBC connection: For Windows only and it requires the Excel ODBC driver
  • gdata package: it is available for Windows, Mac and Linux but it requires the installation of additional perl libraries.
  • xlsReadWrite package : For Windows only and there is no longer an updated version of xlsReadWrite package.
  • RExcel software : This is a powerful tool that can be used to execute directly R code from an Excel spreadsheet but it is available for windows only.
  • XLConnect package : XLConnect is a java-based solution, so it is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It may be slow for large data sets
  • xlsx package: This is my favorite package to read, write and format Excel files in R. It is a java-based solution and can be used to read and write both xls and xlsx file formats.

As listed above, there are many ways to connect R and Excel, but many of these packages are :

  • hard to work with
  • or only work in Windows
  • or require additional drivers
  • or only work with old versions of Excel (.xls but not .xlsx)

The 3 R packages you should know to save your time

The three R packages you should know for importing and exporting data from/to Excel are xlsx, XLConnect and r2excel packages.

Reading and writing Excel files are know an easy task using xlsx and XLConnect packages. Formatting Excel files using xlsx package is also possible. However, it requires a hard coding in R. This is why, I implemented r2excel package which depends on xlsx package and it provides an easy to use functions to quickly import data from excel and to create a nice Excel report.

The aim of this article is to show you how to use r2excel package to easily read, write and format Excel files.

r2excel package

Install and load r2excel package

To install the package, use the following R code :


Load the package using the following R code:


Available R functions

The list of functions available in r2excel package are :

  • xlsx.addHeader for adding headers.
  • xlsx.addPlot for adding plots.
  • xlsx.addParagraph for adding a paragraph of text.
  • xlsx.addTable for adding a data frame.
  • xlsx.addLineBreak for adding a line break. This is useful to skip lines between two data frames.
  • xlsx.addHyperlink for adding a hyperlink.
  • xlsx.readFile for reading an Excel file.
  • xlsx.writeFile for writing a data to an Excel file.
  • xlsx.writeMultipleData for exporting quickly multiple data to the same Excel workbook
  • xlsx.openFile for opening an Excel file.

These functions are described in the next sections

Create your first Excel file

# Create an Excel workbook. 
# Both .xls and .xlsx file formats can be used.
filename <- "r2excel-example1.xlsx"
wb <- createWorkbook(type="xlsx")
# Create a sheet in that workbook to contain the data table
sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "example1")
# Add header
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Add table",level=1, 
               color="black", underline=1)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
# Add paragraph : Author
author=paste("Author : Alboukadel KASSAMBARA. \n",
             "\n Website : http://ww.sthda.com", sep="")
xlsx.addParagraph(wb, sheet,value=author, isItalic=TRUE, colSpan=5, 
                  rowSpan=4, fontColor="darkgray", fontSize=14)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 3)
# Add table : add a data frame
xlsx.addTable(wb, sheet, head(iris), startCol=2)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# save the workbook to an Excel file
saveWorkbook(wb, filename)
xlsx.openFile(filename)# View the file

The image of the excel file created by the above code is :

Read and write excel file using R

Add headers

To add a header to a worksheet the xlsx.addHeader() function can be used. A simplified format is :

xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Header", level=1, 
               color="#FFFFFF", underline=c(0,1,2))

  • wb : workbook object
  • sheet : sheet object
  • value : the text to write as a header
  • level : header level; possible values are form 1 to 6
  • color : the color to use for the header
  • underline : a numeric value specifying whether the header should be underlined or not. Possible values are 0 (default value, no underline), 1 (underline with one line), 2 (underline with two lines)

Examples :

# create workbook and sheet
wb <- createWorkbook(type="xlsx")
sheet <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, sheetName = "example1")
# header level 1
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Header 1",level=1, color="black")
# header level 2
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Header 2",level=2, color="black")
# header level 3
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Header 3",level=3, color="black")
# header level 4
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Header 4",level=4, color="black")
# header level 5
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Header 5",level=5, color="black")
# header level 6
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Header 6",level=6, color="black")
# saving a workbook to an Excel file
saveWorkbook(wb, "examples_add_header.xlsx")
xlsx.openFile("examples_add_header.xlsx")# view the file

The image of the excel file created by the above code is :

Read and write excel file using R, add header

Add a paragraph of texts

The function xlsx.addParagraph() can be used. A simplified format is :

xlsx.addParagraph(wb, sheet, value, fontColor="#FFFFFF", 
    fontSize=12, isBold=FALSE, isItalic=FALSE, 
    colSpan=10, rowSpan=5)

  • wb : workbook object
  • sheet : sheet object
  • value : the text to write
  • fontColor : color of the text
  • fontSize : size of the text
  • isBold : if TRUE, the text is written in bold format
  • isItalic : if TRUE, the text is written in italic format
  • colSpan : number of columns to be merged (paragraph : width)
  • rowSpan : number of rows to be merged (paragraph height)

Examples :

# create workbook and sheet
wb <- createWorkbook(type="xlsx")
sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "example1")
# Add paragraph
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, " Add paragraph", level=2, underline=1)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
paragraph="Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged."
xlsx.addParagraph(wb, sheet, paragraph, fontSize=14, isItalic=TRUE, 
                  fontColor="darkred", colSpan=10, rowSpan=10)
# save the workbook to an Excel file
saveWorkbook(wb, "examples_add_paragraph.xlsx")
xlsx.openFile("examples_add_paragraph.xlsx")# view the file

Read and write excel file using R, add paragraph

Add a data frame

The function xlsx.addTable can be used. A simplified format is :

xlsx.addTable(wb, sheet, data, col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE,
     fontColor="#FFFFFF", fontSize=12, rowFill=c("white", "white"))

  • wb : workbook object
  • sheet : sheet object
  • data : a data frame
  • col.names, row.names : a logical value indicating whether the column names / row names of the data are to be written to the file. Default is TRUE
  • font.color : the color of the text
  • font.size : the size of text
  • rowFill : a vector of two colors for filling odd and even rows. Default is c(“white”, “white”)

# create workbook and sheet
wb <- createWorkbook(type="xlsx")
sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "example1")
# add iris data using default settings
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, 
     value="Add iris table using default settings")
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
xlsx.addTable(wb, sheet, head(iris))
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# Customized table
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Customized table")
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
xlsx.addTable(wb, sheet, data= head(iris),
              fontColor="darkblue", fontSize=14,
              rowFill=c("white", "lightblue")
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# save the workbook to an Excel file
saveWorkbook(wb, "examples_add_table.xlsx")
xlsx.openFile("examples_add_table.xlsx")# view the file

Read and write excel file using R, add table

Add a plot

The function xlsx.addPlot() can be used. A simplified format is :

xlsx.addPlot(wb, sheet, plotFunction,
            width = 480, height = 480, ...)

  • wb : workbook object
  • sheet : sheet object
  • plotFunction : an R function creating a plot.
  • width, height : the width and the height of the plot
  • … : others arguments to png() function

Examples :

# creat workbook and sheet
wb <- createWorkbook(type="xlsx")
sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "example1")
# basic box plot
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, "Basic box plot")
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
plotFunction<-function(){boxplot(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth, col = 1:3)}
xlsx.addPlot(wb, sheet, plotFunction())
# ggplot2
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, "ggplot2")
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
  p<-qplot(mpg, wt, data=mtcars)
xlsx.addPlot(wb, sheet, plotFunction())
# save the workbook to an Excel file.
saveWorkbook(wb, "examples_add_plot.xlsx")
xlsx.openFile("examples_add_plot.xlsx")# view the file

Read and write excel file using R, add plot Read and write excel file using R, add plot

Read an Excel file

The function xlsx.readFile() can be used. A simplified format is :

xlsx.readFile(file, sheetIndex = 1, header = TRUE)

  • file : the path to the file to read
  • sheetIndex : a number indicating the index of the sheet to read from the workbook
  • header : a logical value. If TRUE, the first row is used as the names of the variables

Examples :

file <- system.file("tests", "test_import.xlsx", package = "xlsx")
res <- xlsx.readFile(file, 1)  # read first sheet
  Population Income Illiteracy Life.Exp Murder HS.Grad Frost   Area
1       3615   3624        2.1    69.05   15.1    41.3    20  50708
2        365   6315        1.5    69.31   11.3    66.7   152 566432
3       2212   4530        1.8    70.55    7.8    58.1    15 113417
4       2110   3378        1.9    70.66   10.1    39.9    65  51945
5      21198   5114        1.1    71.71   10.3    62.6    20 156361
6       2541   4884        0.7    72.06    6.8    63.9   166 103766

Write an Excel file

The function xlsx.writeFile can be used. A simplified format is :

xlsx.writeFile(data, file, sheetName = "Sheet1",
  col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, append = FALSE)

  • data : a data.frame to write to the workbook
  • file : the path to the output file
  • sheetName : a character string to use for the sheet name.
  • col.names, row.names : a logical value specifying whether the column names/row names of the data are to be written to the file
  • append : a logical value indicating if the data should be appended to an existing file.

Examples :

xlsx.writeFile(USArrests, file="myworkbook.xlsx", 
               sheetName="USA Arrests")
xlsx.openFile("myworkbook.xlsx")# view the file

Read and write excel file using R and xlsx package

Use the argument append = TRUE to add multiple data.frame in the same Excel workbook :

# Write the first data set in a new workbook
xlsx.writeFile(USArrests, file="myworkbook.xlsx", 
            sheetName="USA-ARRESTS", append=FALSE)
# Add a second data set
xlsx.writeFile(mtcars, file="myworkbook.xlsx",
          sheetName="MTCARS", append=TRUE)
# Add a third data set
xlsx.writeFile(Titanic, file="myworkbook.xlsx", 
          sheetName="TITANIC", append=TRUE)
xlsx.openFile("myworkbook.xlsx")# view the file

Read and write excel file using R and r2excel package

The method above is very repetitive. You can use the function xlsx.writeMultipleData() to add multiple data sets to the same workbook in a single call.

          mtcars, Titanic, AirPassengers, state.x77)
xlsx.openFile("myworkbook.xlsx")# view the file

Read and write excel file using R, multiple objects in the same Excel workbook

The function xlsx.writeMultipleData works for data frames (mtcars), matrices (state.x77), time series (AirPassengers) and tables (Titanic).

A full and nice report using R and Excel

The following R code can be used to create a full Excel report :

# Create an Excel workbook. 
# Both .xls and .xlsx file formats can be used.
wb <- createWorkbook(type="xlsx")
# Create a sheet in that workbook
sheet <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, sheetName = "example1")
# Add header
# Create the Sheet title and subtitle
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Excel file written with r2excel packages",
            level=1, color="darkblue", underline=2)         
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# Add paragraph : Author
author=paste("Author : Alboukadel KASSAMBARA. \n",
             "\n Website : http://ww.sthda.com", sep="")
xlsx.addParagraph(wb, sheet,value=author, isItalic=TRUE, colSpan=5, 
                  rowSpan=4, fontColor="darkgray", fontSize=14)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 3)
# Add table
# add iris data using default settings
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Add iris table using default settings", level=2)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
xlsx.addTable(wb, sheet, head(iris), startCol=2)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# Customized table
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, value="Customized table", level=2)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
xlsx.addTable(wb, sheet, data= head(iris),
              fontColor="darkblue", fontSize=14,
              rowFill=c("white", "lightblue")
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# Add paragraph
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, "Add paragraph", level=2)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
paragraph="Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged."
xlsx.addParagraph(wb, sheet, paragraph, fontSize=14, isItalic=TRUE, 
                  fontColor="darkred", backGroundColor="gray")
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# Add Hyperlink
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, " Add Hyperlink", level=2)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
xlsx.addHyperlink(wb, sheet, "https://www.sthda.com", "Click-me!!", fontSize=12)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 2)
# Add box plot
xlsx.addHeader(wb, sheet, " Add Plot", level=2)
xlsx.addLineBreak(sheet, 1)
plotFunction<-function(){boxplot(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth, col = 1:3)}
xlsx.addPlot(wb, sheet, plotFunction())
# save the workbook to an Excel file and write the file to disk.
xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, filename)
xlsx.openFile(filename) # open file


This analysis has been performed using R (ver. 3.1.0).

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