see also the [url=]ggcorrplot package[/url]. It comes with a helper function called cor_pmat() to compute a matrix of correlation p-values. It supports the arguments: use = "pairwise.complete.obs".
I'am new to stdha and found the custom function (see, A simple function to format the correlation matrix) to create a long data table from the correlation matrix very helpful. In this way it is possible to display a summary of the created correlation matrix for R=>0.6 and p=<0.05, for two variables. However, I could only use this for complete.obs. The rcorr function seems not to have the pairwise.complete.obs statement. I'am not very familiar with R and are not able to fix this. Furthermore, if found that the RcmdrMisc package was able to calculate correlation coefficients and p-values for pairwise.complete.obs, with the rcorr.adjust() function. Unfortunately, I do not posses the skills nor the knowledge to adjust the custom function to fit the result or the rcorr.adjust() function. Is it maybe possible that someone can change this costum function to fit the rcorr.adjust() function? In advance thank you for your help!!!