ggbio - Visualize genomic data

This analysis was performed using R (ver. 3.1.0).

ggbio is a package build on top of ggplot2() to visualize easily genomic data.

Building your first track

In this chapter, you will learn : ˆ1.How to add ideogram track. ˆ2. How to add gene model track. 4. How to add reference track 3. How to add track from bam files to visualize coverage and mismatch summary. 4. How to add track for vcf file to visualize variants

Add ideogram track : Plot single chromosome with cytoband

hg19, hg18, mm10, mm9  as been built inside, so you don't have download it on the fly.
#chr 1 is automatically drawn by default (subchr="chr1")
p.ideo <- Ideogram(genome = "hg19")
#Highlights a region on "chr2"
p.ideo + xlim(GRanges("chr2", IRanges(1e8, 1e8+10000000)))

plot of chunk ideogramplot of chunk ideogram

color and fill arguments can be used to change the color and the fill color of highlight region

Add gene model track

Gene model is composed of genetic features CDS, UTR, introns, exons and non-genetic region. ggbio supports three methods to make gene model track:

OrganismDb object: recommended, support gene symbols and other combination of columns as label. TranscriptDb object: don’t support gene symbol labeling. GRangesList object: flexible, if you don’t have annotation package available for the first two methods, you could prepare a data set parsed from gtf file, you can simply use it and plot it as gene model track.

In this section, we’ll show, how to make gene model from OrganismDb and from TranscriptDb objects. To make a gene model from GRangesList object, see the vignette of ggbio package.

Gene model from OrganismDb object

OrganismDb object has a simpler API to retrieve data from different annotation resources, so we could label our transcripts in different ways.

#load gene symbol : GRanges, one gene/row
data(genesymbol, package = "biovizBase")
#retrieve information of the gene of interest
wh <- genesymbol[c("BRCA1", "NBR1")]
wh <- range(wh, ignore.strand = TRUE)
#Plot the different transcripts  for our gene of interest
p.txdb <- autoplot(Homo.sapiens, which = wh)
#Change inton geometry, use gap.geom
autoplot(Homo.sapiens, which = wh, gap.geom = "chevron")

plot of chunk gene-model-from-organismdbplot of chunk gene-model-from-organismdb

Different arguments to change colors : label.color (color of the label), color(line color) and fill (fill color of exons):

autoplot(Homo.sapiens, which = wh, label.color = "black", color = "brown",
fill = "brown")
Label could be turned off by setting it to FALSE, you could also use expression to make a flexible label combination from column names.
##  [1] "GOID"         "TERM"         "ONTOLOGY"     "DEFINITION"  
##  [5] "ENTREZID"     "PFAM"         "IPI"          "PROSITE"     
##  [9] "ACCNUM"       "ALIAS"        "CHR"          "CHRLOC"      
## [13] "CHRLOCEND"    "ENZYME"       "MAP"          "PATH"        
## [17] "PMID"         "REFSEQ"       "SYMBOL"       "UNIGENE"     
## [25] "UNIPROT"      "GO"           "EVIDENCE"     "GOALL"       
## [29] "EVIDENCEALL"  "ONTOLOGYALL"  "OMIM"         "UCSCKG"      
## [33] "CDSID"        "CDSNAME"      "CDSCHROM"     "CDSSTRAND"   
## [37] "CDSSTART"     "CDSEND"       "EXONID"       "EXONNAME"    
## [45] "GENEID"       "TXID"         "EXONRANK"     "TXNAME"      
## [49] "TXCHROM"      "TXSTRAND"     "TXSTART"      "TXEND"
#Flexible label
autoplot(Homo.sapiens, which = wh, columns = c("GENENAME", "GO"), names.expr = "GENENAME::GO")

plot of chunk flexible-label

Gene model from TranscriptDb object

TranscriptDb doesn't contain any gene symbol information, so we use tx id as default for label.
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
autoplot(txdb, which = wh)

plot of chunk gene-model-from-transcriptdb

Add a reference track

To add a reference track, we need to load a BSgenome object from the annotation package. You can choose to plot the sequence as text, rect, segment.

You can pass a zoom in factor into zoom function, if it's over 1 it's zooming out, if it's smaller than 1 it's zooming in.
bg <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19 <- autoplot(bg, which = wh)
## no geom
## segment + zoom(1/100)
## rectangle + zoom(1/1000)
## text + zoom(1/2500)

plot of chunk reference-trackplot of chunk reference-trackplot of chunk reference-trackplot of chunk reference-track

To override a zemantic zoom threshold, you simply provide a geom explicitly.

bg <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
## force to use geom 'segment' at this level
autoplot(bg, which = resize(wh, width = width(wh)/2000), geom = "segment")

Add an alignement track

Create a bam object

RSamtools package is required. The following code is just an example to create a bam object. This bam object can be used in autoplot function

bam<-BamFile(file="file.bam", index="file.bai")
#use it for autoplot
autoplot(bam, which = wh)

Visualize bam file

ggbio supports visualization of alignments file stored in bam, autoplot method accepts :

  • bam file path (indexed)
  • BamFile object
It's simple to just pass a file path to autoplot function, you can stream a chunk of region by providing 'which' parameter. Otherwise please use method 'estiamte' to show overall estiamted coverage.
fl.bam <- system.file("extdata", "wg-brca1.sorted.bam", package = "biovizBase")
#keeps only the seqlevels in value and removes all others
wh <- keepSeqlevels(wh, "chr17")
autoplot(fl.bam, which = wh)

plot of chunk view-bam-file

Mismatch proportion

To show mismatch proportion, you have to provide reference sequence, the mismatched proportion is color coded in the bar chart.

bg <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
p.mis <- autoplot(fl.bam, bsgenome = bg, which = wh, stat = "mismatch")

plot of chunk mismatch-proportion

View all coverage distribution

To view overall estimated coverage distribution, please use method ‘estiamte’. ‘which’ parameter also accept characters. And there is a hidden value called ‘..coverage..’ to let you do simple transformation in aes().

#View all coverage distribution
autoplot(fl.bam, method = "estimate")
#Select chromosomes of interest
#Log transformation of coverage
autoplot(fl.bam, method = "estimate", 
         which = paste0("chr", 17:18),
         aes(y = log(..coverage..)))

plot of chunk coverage-distributionplot of chunk coverage-distribution

Add a variants track : vizualize vcf file

This track is supported by semantic zoom.

To view your variants file, you could : - Import it using package** VariantAnntoation as VCF object, then use autoplot - Convert it in VRanges** object and use autoplot - Simply provide vcf file path in autoplot()

fl.vcf <- system.file("extdata", "17-1409-CEU-brca1.vcf.bgz", package="biovizBase")
vcf <- readVcf(fl.vcf, "hg19")
vr <- as(vcf[, 1:3], "VRanges")
vr <- renameSeqlevels(vr, value = c("17" = "chr17"))
## small region contains data
gr17 <- GRanges("chr17", IRanges(41234400, 41234530))
p.vr <- autoplot(vr, which = wh)
## none geom
## rect geom
p.vr + xlim(gr17)
## text geom
p.vr + xlim(gr17) + zoom()

plot of chunk vizualize-vcfplot of chunk vizualize-vcfplot of chunk vizualize-vcf

You can simply override geom

autoplot(vr, which = wh, geom = "rect", arrow = FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Building your tracks

gr17 <- GRanges("chr17", IRanges(41234415, 41234569))
tks <- tracks(p.ideo, mismatch = p.mis, dbSNP = p.vr, ref =, gene = p.txdb,
heights = c(2, 3, 3, 1, 4)) + xlim(gr17) + theme_tracks_sunset()

plot of chunk tracks

Simple navigation

You could zoom in and zoom out, or go through view chunks one by one. - zoom: put a factor inside and you can zoom in or zoom out - nextView: switch to next view - prevView: switch to previous view

## zoom in
tks + zoom()
## zoom in with scale
p.txdb + zoom(1/8)
## zoom out
p.txdb + zoom(2)
## next view page
p.txdb + nextView()
## previous view page
p.txdb + prevView()
Don't forget xlim accept GRanges object (single row), so you could simply prepare a GRanges to store the region of interests and go through them one by one.

Overview plots

Overview is a good way to show all events at the same time, give overall summary statistics for the whole genome. In this chapter, we will introduce three different layouts that are used a lots in genomic data visualization.

Circular plots

We are going to visualize somatic mutation as segment.

- rule of thumb seqlengths, seqlevels and chromosomes names should be exactly the same. - to use circle, you have to use ggbio constructor at the beginning instead of ggplot.

All the raw data processed and stored in GRanges ready for use, you can simply load the sample data from biovizBase

Load data

#Load the data
data("CRC", package = "biovizBase")
## GRanges with 6 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##       seqnames         ranges strand
##   [1]        1 [1, 249250621]      *
##   [2]        2 [1, 243199373]      *
##   [3]        3 [1, 198022430]      *
##   [4]        4 [1, 191154276]      *
##   [5]        5 [1, 180915260]      *
##   [6]        6 [1, 171115067]      *
##   ---
##   seqlengths:
##            1         2         3 ...        20        21        22
##    249250621 243199373 198022430 ...  63025520  48129895  51304566

Create ideogram, label and scale track

The function layouts the circle by the order you created from inside to outside.

p <- ggbio() + circle(hg19sub, geom = "ideo", fill = "gray70") + #Ideogram
circle(hg19sub, geom = "scale", size = 2) + #Scale
circle(hg19sub, geom = "text", aes(label = seqnames), vjust = 0, size = 3) # label
p #print plot

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Show somatic mutation

We add a “rectangle” track to show somatic mutation.

## GRanges with 6 ranges and 10 metadata columns:
##       seqnames                 ranges strand | Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id
##                           |          
##   [1]        1 [ 11003085,  11003085]      + |      TARDBP          23435
##   [2]        1 [ 62352395,  62352395]      + |       INADL          10207
##   [3]        1 [194960885, 194960885]      + |         CFH           3075
##   [4]        2 [ 10116508,  10116508]      - |        CYS1         192668
##   [5]        2 [ 33617747,  33617747]      + |     RASGRP3          25780
##   [6]        2 [ 73894280,  73894280]      + |     C2orf78         388960
##         Center NCBI_Build   Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type
##   [1]    Broad         36        +               Missense          SNP
##   [2]    Broad         36        +               Missense          SNP
##   [3]    Broad         36        +               Missense          SNP
##   [4]    Broad         36        -               Missense          SNP
##   [5]    Broad         36        +               Missense          SNP
##   [6]    Broad         36        +               Missense          SNP
##       Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2
##   [1]                G                 G                 A
##   [2]                T                 T                 G
##   [3]                G                 G                 A
##   [4]                C                 C                 T
##   [5]                C                 C                 T
##   [6]                T                 T                 C
##   ---
##   seqlengths:
##            1         2         3 ...        20        21        22
##    249250621 243199373 198022430 ...  63025520  48129895  51304566
p <- ggbio() + circle(, geom = "rect", color = "steelblue") + #somatic mutation
circle(hg19sub, geom = "ideo", fill = "gray70") +#Ideogram
circle(hg19sub, geom = "scale", size = 2) +#Scale
circle(hg19sub, geom = "text", aes(label = seqnames), vjust = 0, size = 3)#label

plot of chunk show-mutation

Many other examples are available in the ggbio package vignette



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